In this project, our group decided from the beginning that we wanted to design an experience, rather than a product. Through experience prototypes and a lot of hands-on exploration, we worked iteratively toward a proposal that our clients were very intrigued by.
One of the greatest insights this approach has given me is how valuable it is to bring your ideas to life as soon as possible. We hit a wall halfway through this project. However, when we put everything aside and just started to bodystorm and experiment rather than using our brains, creativity and excitement came rushing back.
As for my role in this team, I feel this project has helped me grow as a professional. I have been able to strengthen my capabilities to guide the flow of group work and to keep everyone on track. I find it important to manage our time and remain efficient, without limiting any kind of creative processes. Furthermore, I think that the way I was able to steer the team in response to constructive criticism we received, has helped our team stay focused. I did everything in my power to get everyone on the same page, which I feel allowed the team to push through the rough patches.